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Should speed assistance technology be required?

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2023 | Car Accidents |

Speeding represents one of the most dangerous actions a driver could take on the road. Many accidents happen in California because drivers do not adhere to speed limits. Some suggest that new vehicles should have mandatory intelligent speed assistance technology. At present, no rules require vehicles to come with technology that regulates safe speeds.

Speed assistance technology

Reckless drivers may ignore their speed, and many will deliberately press down on the gas regardless of traffic conditions. Intoxicated or hazardous drivers could reach excessive speeds, significantly increasing the dangers. In 2022, more than 40,000 people died in speeding-related crashes, an increase from 2021, which saw around 12,000 deaths.

The National Transportation Safety Board suggests that car manufacturers in the United States install intelligent speed assistance technology, which might prevent a vehicle from exceeding the speed limit. Such technology may prove helpful when attempting to combat speeding. However, there does not seem to be much effort on automakers’ parts to install such systems.

Speeding and negligence

Even if vehicle manufacturers moved forward with intelligent speed assistance technology, current and past models lack the technology. Therefore, technological overrides to speeding may become helpful in the future but not now. Drivers who choose to speed will continue to do so despite the risks of car accidents. Speeding increases the dangers of collisions because drivers might lose control of the vehicle or fail to react when required to stop or avoid a crash.

Proof of speeding may establish a driver’s negligence. Negligent drivers might face civil litigation where victims seek compensation for injuries and other losses. Punitive damages could be worth pursuing in some situations. An insurance policy might provide a settlement to victims, but the policy could exclude punitive awards.
